Keynote Address on the representation of the English dancer Bessie Bruce, a tubercular patient, in Peter Altenberg’s inscribed photographs for the conference Sick Girls in European Visual Art, Literature, Medical Science and Popular Culture in the 19th Century, Aarhus University, 7-8 November 2019.
Invitation to act as one of the Freud Museum’s first Academic Associates. This is a new initiative designed to build a group of supportive scholars who will use their knowledge and experience both to feed into the Museum’s public programme and its forthcoming development.
Beginning of ‘Correspondence’, a weekly research seminar convened by Blackshaw and Rebecca Fortnum at the Royal College of Art, London, which has been developed in order to explore creative research methods that facilitate innovative forms of art historical research. The group’s activities will explore ideas emerging from both the meanings of the word Correspondence (for example, how a researcher makes connections and equivalences with, and through, their subject), as well as notions of communication through ephemeral forms of writing. We will be thinking about what it means to be a ‘co-respondent’ and how connections or communication can often take huge leaps, straddling differences in period, genre and form.