Conceived in the ‘lockdown’ period of the global virus that brought the world’s inequalities into lethal, shocking focus, this panel, convened by Blackshaw and Dr Alice Butler, adapts artist Johanna Hedva's ‘Sick Woman Theory’ of 2016 as a lens through which to expand feminist art history. Whilst contemporary feminist art and writing has cared for the sick woman, their absence in art history is in urgent need of redeeming. Emphasising experimental and interdisciplinary methodologies and writing practices, this multi-periodic panel asks: what form might a defiantly sick feminist art history take? What role could it play in emerging theorisations of the critical medical humanities? How could it transform our understanding of the sick woman? How could the sick woman, who speaks chronically across time, revolutionise art history? And how might we, as feminist art historians, care for her? of 'Everything Painted Blue: A Letter to Bessie Bruce (1886 – 1921)', part of the 'Sick Love' contribution to the fifth volume of Prova, the Journal for School of Arts & Humanities Research, Royal College of Art, which emerged from the 'Correspondence' research group of 2019-2020 co-convened by Blackshaw and Rebecca Fortnum.
The HIGH Prize for graduating students within the School of Arts & Humanities launches in July 2020. HIGH is an international fashion brand producing ready-to-wear clothing with stores across Europe and customers all over the world. Identified as ‘creative clothes for creative people’, vital elements of HIGH’s collections are created in collaboration with artists, especially those making material objects by hand. the HIGH prize was introduced by Gemma, who works with HIGH as one of its creative partners.